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We operate total of 8 layouts where we shoot Skeet, Trap and FITASC clay shooting disciplines - Sporting, Compak® Sporting, Universal Trench.
The majority of layouts are Compak Sporting and Sporting as these are the most popular disciplines here, but we also have one Skeet and one Trap layout available daily. For Trap and FITASC we use an electronic key system combined with voice command system which allows you to shoot even alone if you choose so.
Check our event calendar here.

8 layouts where we shoot Skeet, Trap and FITASC clay shooting disciplines - Sporting, Compak® Sporting, Universal Trench.
8 layouts where we shoot Skeet, Trap and FITASC clay shooting disciplines - Sporting, Compak® Sporting, Universal Trench.

Oleme avatud

K N R 11-18

E T L P kokkuleppel

Kliendiüritused ja koolitused eelneva kokkuleppega iga päev 8 - 20


Opening hours

Wed Thu Fri 11-18

Mon Tue Sat Sun on pre-booking

Events and coaching on pre-booking every day 8 - 20

+372 514 0553


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